Want to get your hands on some clay?


One of the questions I was asked at most craft fairs, apart from “did you make these?” was “do you do classes? To which I answered “no” and then told them about the fabulous classes that Lorna of Songbird Ceramics held.

But as time has went on and my confidence began to grow, I began to think that maybe I could help other people discover the fun and with clay.

Thinking about it, I already did take classes. I volunteered at our local Stroke Association group as my husband is a Stroke Survivor. Occasionally I did clay sessions with the group. I wasn’t teaching them, I was just helping my friends have a little fun.

I think I got more enjoyment seeing the delight in their faces, when I returned a few weeks later with their finished pieces. These are people who had been living fulfilling lives which were turned upside down when Stroke hit. Now their life contains too many Nos. It made me so happy to see their pride in that they created this piece of ceramic themselves. When they looked at their little pot on the shelf at home it was a reminder that Yes, you can still achieve!

At the beginning of the year I had come to the conclusion that yes, classes may be an option I should consider. Even better, it led to the realisation that it was time to make a few changes to my building. To make it a welcoming environment for people to visit, have some fun with clay, or have some of the amazing makers I know come to Cloverhill to share their talents.

But then lockdown happened. Everything stopped, all plans on hold. During this time I have made up a box of clay, tools and slips for some friends to alleviate the stress and boredom of lockdown. They loved it! And I got so much pleasure seeing what they made, all far more creative when left to their own devices than when guided by me!

It was then with gentle persuasion from Mel Wiggins and the rest of our Assembly Accelerator Group that the lightbulb finally clicked on and I realised I needed to get clay out into people’s hands!

I have been working hard to try and put together the loveliest kits for you. The clay will be air drying clay, which doesn’t need firing. Included will be a selection of tools and paints to finish off your masterpieces.

I’m putting together instructions to give you confidence to try out different techniques and learn new skills, pinch pots, coiling, slab building, sculpture. You could make a set of little trinket dishes, sculpture of your dog, plant pot, candle holder, family handprint picture. I’m sure you have a dozen better ideas already!

I cannot wait to see what amazing creations you will make. And who knows, hopefully we will be able to have those clay sessions together soon.
